Sunday, October 5, 2008

Education, Social Injustice, and Human Trafficking

It's simply amazing what has been happening for the last few days. I've been connecting with all different types of people, for different reasons. But one goal is sure- that God be glorified through the expression of love.

When reading through the 1000 pages of graduate school articles, I come across numerous historical accounts of social injustices in U.S. education. Over and over, I see people being marginalized, students given unequal opportunities, and the horrible accounts of perverse Protestantism that participated in some of these events. I am a Protestant, no, I am a follower of Jesus Christ. And he did not teach for capitalism to be on of the key interests in American politics. He did not teach that children who were less fortunate than their richer-across-town counterparts be expected to fail since they are "racially inferior". He did not teach that the poor, the fatherless, the orphaned be pushed aside since they were a nuisance to deal with. On the contrary, Jesus is the king of social justice. Did he not talk about issues of money and the dangers of loving it? Did he not tell us Christians to take care of children who have no fathers, the mothers who have no husbands? Did he not reach out to the prostitutes, the outcasts of society, the handicapped, etc?

Yes. The Jesus people see accounted through the figures in textbooks (and even in current events), is not representing the Jesus in the bible. My passion to see the oppressed free, the sex slave to know that they are worthy to be loved, to empower the next generation of children through education, to write and voice about issues that stimulate deeper thoughts of morality, are not my own. These are God's passions that are placed in me.

Digressing a bit...

The other night, I was praying and God spoke a certain calling on my life. It was very shocking since I never fully associated this calling to myself before. However, I felt the Holy Spirit move within me, and could not help but to be overwhelmed with excitement. Then the next several days, I'm meeting people who are interested in the same topic, and wants to 1. network with me 2. work together 3. learn about the subject. I see what God is doing, and it's so incredibly exciting. Living for Jesus is truly living.

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