Saturday, May 17, 2008

Korea and prayer

Cindy Jacobs has been a well known prophet for years. She has an amazing track record and continues to speak to thousands worldwide. I read her book, it's absolutely amazing. I know people (Jaeson Ma) who were prophesied over by her. Anyway, she visited Korea last year and gave some prophetic words.

It's interesting how I pray the way I do. Being here, sometimes I feel so awkward when it's calm. It's a difference of style, and upbringing in the church. Personally, I love it when people pray like crazy people... that passion is so... encouraging...

Many Korean grandmothers, older folks have a reason when they scream "jooyuh" (savior) and cry during prayer. When you're broken enough.. there is no need for proper decorum. After all, there were many in the bible that wailed for repentance, for justice, for help, etc.

Here is the video:
Note: many people who do not understand the prophetic, never been exposed to it, or seen bad misuse of it, will be turned off by the content of her site. Therefore, I suggest you keep to the video.

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