Friday, December 26, 2008
Discipline and Love
"Waiting" and having "patience" has been a recurring theme for several weeks now. The more I struggle in life, the more I realize much about who I am; character flaws that were once unknowingly pushed under the rug are now screaming at me. I am very impatient (not a surprise to many of you). I don't know how to enjoy life without making it a task. I am extremely task-orientated, but also reliant on emotions (which is in essence a contradictory trait to being task-orientated). I am very unforgiving of myself when I fail, and don't know how to be okay in doing nothing. I've realized I picked up these character habits from those who were once close to me, or is close to me, and made them my own. I realized I'm always fighting against God when it comes to my calling-- teaching. I know, at least for this season in my life, I am to eat breathe live to teach. I know being a fashion designer will be exciting in it's initial beginnings, but will inevitably grind me into nothingness as I recognize the machine that controls it. I know once I see the eyes of impoverished youth sparkle with opportunities they've never known, I will say "This is worth it".
Why is God so simple and complex? Why am I so complex? Why does He continuously pursue me and "discipline those He loves". I hate to be disciplined. Who likes it right? I was reading the other day, "Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? If you are not disciplined (and everyone undergoes discipline), then you are illegitimate children and not true sons. Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of our spirits and live! Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12:7-11
So, all these character flaws... being uprooted... through discipline.
A painful process indeed, but I feel so much more free! and happy!
His cup is starting to overflow, or maybe it always has been overflowing and I was just unaware of it.
Man, 2009 is going to be great. I know it!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Will you be thankful for the thorns?
Love is easy when you're loved
Do you curse another when you're alone?
Oh, I give my life to You so I can gain it back again
Oh, I stand solid while the paradigm is shifting
You say live and let live
But people are dying everyday
You say what I don't know wont hurt me
But if what I do not know
Is the very thing I need
Then I say....
Oh, I give my life to You so I can gain it back again
Oh, I stand solid while the paradigm is shifting
Humanity sees truth through shattered window panes
That blocks the view, and plants the seed
So we draw the curtains to a close but I say
That the sun can still shine
behind a closed mind
And sticks and stones do hurt
When tossed from the tongue of mankind
Oh, I give my life to You so I can gain it back again
Oh, I stand solid while the paradigm is shifting
Oh, I give my life to You so I can gain it back again
Oh, I give my life to You so I can gain it back again
Oh, I stand solid while the paradigm is shifting
Paradigm is shifting, is shifting... away, away...
Friday, November 28, 2008
Walking Liberated
15 Don't love the world and what it offers. Those who love the world don't have the Father's love in them. 16 Not everything that the world offers-physical gratification, greed, and extravagant lifestyles-comes from the Father. It comes from the world, and 17 the world and its evil desires are passing away. But the person who does what God wants lives forever. (1 John 2:16).
I'll admit. Conflict arises in my mind. I attend an institution that spews out humanistic / post modern / relative ideologies. I am tempted to compromise my beliefs because what others say seem to make sense or I don't want to offend opinions. It's not easy being in a relationship with a person (Jesus) and people hating your lover. I speak about Jesus because I know He loves me and I love Him. I speak about Him because He rescued me from so much torment, how can I not share my experience? But at times, I am conflicted. I feel very alone in my views, in my passion for Him. Then, come the moments where God shows me up. He shows me how one verse in His word is truth again.
At school, I learn about great educators, and what types of theories work. Funny enough, great educational reformers like Paulo Freire made the conclusion that it is through the characteristics of humility and love that determine the outcome of true educational transformation. I read this stuff and think, "Wow... this is a simple biblical truth." Because of this, I can't help but to feel a bit impatient with what we learn in class. The life instructions the bible offers are effective (I wouldn't be saying this if it hadn't work in my life, or others). It is tiresome when I sit in class with 3 hours of overstatements on how this technique or that strategy will or will not work.
Another example, I'm writing a paper on "deficit thinking". Now, deficit thinking is basically how a situation or condition is perceived negatively. For instance, I can walk into a room in Tibet and think "Oh my, dirt floors how sad." But to Tibetians, it isn't sad, it's normal. Under deficit thinking, there is deficit speaking. If a teacher constantly tells a student, "this is too hard for you," or "you are dumb," deficit speaking says that you have just spoken a self-fulfilling prophecy. The child will inevitably end up "dumb" or struggling with the "hard" assignments. The researchers of this deficit thinking theory have done testing after testing and found the theory to be pretty solid.
Now how does this all tie in with the bible? The bible is covered with verses about how you should watch what you say. You can bless and curse people just by the faith in the words you speak. And what you say has power. It's so simple; it boggles my mind when simple biblical truths are secularized, intellectualized, studied and concluded with evidence of its existence. And when you mention how the bible speaks of these same truths, it's disregarded, since faith is foolishness to the educated.
Although because of all shaz, class bores me to death, I must rid aside my own "deficit" thinking, and learn to be thankful. I am thankful for the opportunity to be attending UCLA. I am thankful that one day God will use me to impact lives. I am thankful that I am being challenged in my beliefs, and God keeps showing me how He is still the TRUTH. I think 2008 has been the loneliest and most painful year of my life. I'm still in a desert time with God, but 2009 is going to be different. It is definitely going to be a significant and life-altering, I can feel it coming and am excited to see what's in stored.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Passion Church is a Loving Church
I didn't know what to do. I told God that I'm struggling financially. I'm down to about $500.00 for the rest of November and December. Getting new software wasn't going to help the financial problems go away. But God wants obedience not sacrifice, so I proceeded to obey.
Then today i spoke with Brian Kho with passion church asking if he got in touch with his friend who worked at the computer section at UCLA. I wanted to see if there were any discounts available. He then replied, "Bonnie, Passion church bought the CS4 package you needed. I'll meet you sometime tomorrow to give it to you."
These guys were the same students who donated $100.00 to help me purchase my Macbook.
Why do you guys show so much of God's love?
This is grace.
the good fight
that are remains
of memories once treasured
each day suffering
a new battle
of loneliness
of misunderstood
communication errors
calling out
My God, where are you?
God, I need you so much right now!
Every person
that was once a treasure
inside the crevices of my heart
has left a void
and a heart punctured with
holes of every size
My God, where are you?
I need you so much right now!
why go on? why fight this good fight?
do i need more than i have?
isn't His grace enough for me?
I say yes, but the sharp stab inside says no
a battle within
i want
fight the good fight.
and go home.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Art and Deeper
something about being in a pool of passionate people strikes me. it lets me live another day. i don't mean to be so dramatic, but that's who i am. i like seeing you, for who you are, not for all that you are hiding behind. you're a tree, and im ready to get beyond your shallow leaves, i dig. that's who i am. and i don't want to be this way at times, it often isolates me for people are a peculiar bunch. they fear what they long for the most, to be real and be. but they raise up their fists, branches and all, waving to themselves to push against the momentarily drafts of purposelessness. im not inclined to tell anyone that i got it all figured out, nope i'm even worse, dealing with insecurities that many do not know of. but what i do know, and have gotten figured out, this life is short, why waste it with superficial jargon? yea, maybe art itself is a shallow distraction also, but it leads to deeper meanings. how can art in essence be superficial without insulting the piece itself? if it is insult, it rightly deserves its pain. it's only is a piece of crap, it deserves to be insulted.
harsh? i suppose. but superficiality is insulting. we all are, and we all insult one another with it. only because we're scared.
until we know we are loved
and is in love.
by one who isn't swayed by the weak structures of this place
we call life.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Crazy Happenings with grace
For the past few days God has been graciously blessing me, enough for me to see account it more than coincidence. Currently, I am student teaching at Belmont, an inner city school comprised of half of their students failing classes. As many know, I am involved with three ministries: Grace Korean Church Family Group co-Leading, Newsong LA small group, and Christian Students of Conscience (UCLA) Core training. In addition, juggling 20 units and 432084038 pages of reading I wonder where I find the time to socialized (thank God I do).
Christian Students of Conscience had a prayer meeting led by Professor Robert Romero (also a pastor at Newsong LA) on UCLA's campus. It is there where I met Jose Morales. Jose is also now part of CSC's core training group and we meet every Thursday in Culver City, joined with Newsong LA's JAC (Justice Advocacy Compassion) team.
The following few weeks My cohort adviser from UCLA told me to do my observation and 3-weeks of student teaching at Belmont High school. I saw that Belmont had the most need (lack of resources, funds, etc.) and recalled Won Kim (GKC's head pastor's son) telling me "Go to the school that is hardest to work in, and you'll learn more", and heeded his challenging advice.
Every Teacher Education Program student from UCLA has someone called a "guiding" teacher at the schools that they are observing/student teaching at. Well, amazingly, out of all the schools that I had a choice from in LAUSD, and out of all the teachers I could have been observing, I am in Jose Morales's room, my friend, and fellow CSC member. There is much grace upon my life because of this. I have the liberties of studying (catching up on readings) during my "observation time", coming in at an hour that would not severely deprive me of sleep, collaborating smoothly on lesson plans, have genuine conversations about our personal spiritual walks, etc. I was matched with JOSE! Because of this, there is more time allotted in the day to do other ministry works.
For instance, yesterday, I was leading worship and prayer with GKC small group and we ended up hanging out till 1am! If I was with another teacher, I'd be screwed because he/she would be on my case about not coming in at 8am.
The small group time was wonderful and well-needed for most of us (including myself). There were about 15 people in total, and 3 of them were newcomers from Santa Monica College. During prayer time, one of the girls shared her experience about some personal issues and felt that she was going "crazy". Anna and I looked at each other and thought the same "wow, we know exactly what she is going through." We had a change to minister to her and she felt so relieved. Later that night, our group went up to Bruin cafe to hang out, and the same girl talked about how she needed to do an interview for one of her classes. She spent the whole day asking faculty members if any of them had experience with the issues of human trafficking. Will Kim laughed and then told her that I had experience with that (Nightlight) and that that is currently a topic that God has put in my heart. She jumped up ecstatically, and shouted "Oh my gosh, you're exactly the person I need to interview, God is so good!" The crazier part is, I have been praying that God would continue to network me with those who have a heart for anti-human trafficking. Every week I am meeting one or two people, who want to get involved with this issue. Simply amazing.
Oh, yea and another act of grace. Most of you know that I wanted a Macbook so I can start doing the documentary (of which I will keep the subject confidential here but is related to the trafficking issue) and write / record music. I prayed that God would help me financially with getting a Macbook knowing that this will help me make music and movies for His purposes. I searched on craigslist for great deal, but to my dismay found none. UCLA's store was having a sale to get rid of the white 13inch macbooks. They were selling it for 899.99 (2.4ghz, etc) which was an excellent deal considering it had enough power and space to do some editing, and it was 300-400 dollars less than the new ones. But still, that was so much money for me (I bring 1-2 sacked lunch everyday to save money!). Brian Kho of passion church (simple churches, Jaeson Ma, Organic church network) called me and told me to wait at Ackerman book store because he had a gift for me. He was in his dorm (way north of campus), took the bus down, and skated to the bookstore just to meet and and give me a gift. I had told him about the documentary idea prior, and he and a few PC members grouped up and collected $100.00 for me. He said that he felt that this is something PC wants to support in, knowing that this documentary idea came from God. These are college students who don't have money, sometimes eating ramen for their dinners, and I was so humbled to see the love through sacrifice of finances. I don't even go to Passion Church! What the heck!!!??? I ended up paying about 800.00 for a new white macbook. Brian also told me he's going to give me his macbook cover, and a few others said they will help me to learn how to do flash (for CSC / SKYSUN web design) and such. God's grace overflows.
Sometimes I get caught up in my emotional / mind battles and I forget to see such grace.
Simply Amazing.
Monday, October 27, 2008
By His Grace Im Surviving Right Now.
It is definitely a test of my character. Timing is indeed everything. Adding to my impatient nature, my own comforts zones have been crossed. Various types of people, types of class differences, types of ministry focuses, various giftings, school's indoctrination of humanistic/post modern/relative perspectives, and of course, the recurring dreams (sometimes nightmares) of the constant reminder that i just wasn't good enough.
How can I live without Jesus?
By His grace I'm surviving through all this chaos.
In a season or two, I will be stronger...
Friday, October 24, 2008
When and how did CSC start?
God first placed the vision for CSC in Robert and Erica’s heart in the fall of. 2005. As a professor of Chicana/o Studies at UCLA, Robert observed that there is a terrible and insidious misconception of Christianity which has taken hold of college and university campuses throughout the United States and the world: This is the lie that Christianity stands opposed to issues of racial and social justice and that one cannot be a follower of Jesus Christ and care about justice. This spiritual lie keeps millions of students from coming to know the Lord Jesus and it produces two destructive trends: (1)It serves as a spiritual and emotional barrier that prevents students from exploring a relationship with Jesus Christ; and, (2)It causes many Christian students to lose their faith. Many students go to college with faith in Christ and then fall away from the body of Christ because they encounter this stronghold and don’t know how to reconcile this perspective taught by their professors with the faith passed down to them by their families. What makes matters worse is that this lie is often reinforced when these students go to their home churches/campus fellowships and find apathy towards issues of justice and race on the part of many followers of Jesus Christ. The tragic result—they find community with well-intentioned non-believers, fall out of community with the Church, and fall away from Christ.
In response to these perceived needs, God led Robert and Erica through a special period of prayer and fasting in 2005-2006 to seek His direction and guidance on the establishment of a new ministry which would address this spiritual lie that has taken hold of college campuses throughout the world. At the end of several months of prayer, we felt that God was leading us to pray for a “core” team of leaders who would serve as the foundation for the new ministry of “Christian Students of Conscience.”
Our first kick-off event for C.S.C. was an urban justice “boot camp” in July 2006 called “Project Revolution.” This was a joint ministry venture of C.S.C., New Song L.A., and Here’s Life Inner City (the urban ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ). As part of Project Revolution,God brought together 24 people to live together in community for one week at the Salvation Army in Compton. During this time we conducted intensive Bible studies and trainings on issues of race and justice and we sent teams of students out to various urban ministries throughout the city to work with youth, immigrants, and homeless populations. Participants also went through a “poverty simulation” in which we simulated the experience of being homeless for a day and a half. On the 4th of July, we took a “Freedom Ride” throughout the city and visited various historical sites of racial struggle and discussed specific issues of racial injustice from a Jesus-centered perspective. Our “tour” included the Santa Anita Race Tracks(which were Japanese internment camps during WWII), Olvera Street, Chinatown, and important sites related to the Watts Riots and the Rodney King beatings. The day culminated with a fireworks celebration on the Pacific coast in Santa Monica. It was an amazing time and we are now beginning to plan for Project Revolution IV!
Building upon Project Revolution, we have also conducted two other social justice/inner city programs since 2006. The first is a ministry program called, “The Urban Justice Leadership Training.” The goal of the Urban Justice Leadership Training is to raise up a leadership core of authentic, broken followers of Jesus Christ who have a heart for issues of urban justice and community development. The U.J.L.T. is an intensive 6-month training on social justice and urban community development from a Jesus-centered perspective. It focuses important urban justice issues/topics such as Christian Community Development, Poverty & Health, Women’s Issues & Job Development, Youth & Education, Immigration, and Race Relations. Our second training program is titled the J.A.C./C.S.C. Servant Leadership Training. This is a high commitment two month training which has the goal of raising up core leadership for C.S.C. The Servant Leadership Training covers topics such as “the Jesus of Justice, Advocacy, and Compassion,” “Biblical Perspectives on Poverty,” “Cross-Socioeconomic and Cross-Cultural Learning,” “Urban Ministry Stylz: Learning from the Streets,” “Introduction to Christian Community Development,””Nehemiah and Community Transformation,” “Nehemiah and Community Transformation,” and “The City and the Poor: How Injustice is Built Into City Structures.”
C.S.C. places a high value upon socio-economic and cultural diversity and our students come from a wide array of backgrounds. We have undergrads, graduate students, and young adults from community colleges, UCLA, and local churches. Our group is also incredibly culturally diverse, with a strong mix of Latino, African American, Asian American, and Anglo American participants. In confirmation of the initial vision, God has brought to us many students who would probably feel alienated by many traditional campus groups and churches.
And so, God is doing some amazing things through C.S.C.! We are so thankful for all He has done in such a short period of time, and we look forward with eager anticipation to all that He has planned! We hope that you can come be a part!
Goals of CSC
Are you a “revolutionary”? Interested in issues of race and social justice? Interested in finding ways to serve the poor? Not sure how to reconcile your faith in Jesus with your your heart for these issues? As a follower of Jesus Christ, and as a professor of Chicana/o Studies at UCLA, I know how hard it is to wrestle with these questions. Christian Students of Conscience is a home for Christian college and university students who care about issues of justice and race, but who find no place to express their concern for these issues in traditional church settings and campus ministries. Sadly, many Christian college students have walked away from church and their commitment to Christ because they viewed the organized church as irrelevant to the needs and concerns of the poor and people of color. Christian Students of Conscience (C.S.C.) provides a place for such students to become reconnected with Christ, holistically discipled, and systematically trained in issues of justice and race from a biblical perspective. C.S.C. creates a new community on campus for Christian students concerned with issues of justice and race. In addition, C.S.C. will systematically train college and university students in Christian Community Development and mobilize them to serve the poor of urban communities in the United States and abroad. A primary goal of C.S.C. is to raise up future Christian leaders who understand God’s heart for the poor and who will take this understanding into the international workplace and market place of ideas. A further goal of C.S.C. is to serve and resource the thousands of important and already established ministries of our urban communities. C.S.C. recognizes that these grass-roots ministries are in the best position to understand the needs of their own communities. The leaders of these urban ministries are the “hidden heroes” of our nation who have labored quietly, arduously, and without recognition in the name of Christ for many years. C.S.C. will come alongside these ministries in an attitude of servanthood and humility to learn and serve. C.S.C. will provide a steady supply of student laborers for these ministries which do such important work, but which are often under-staffed and under-resourced. C.SC. is also a place where socially "conscious" students can come to learn more about the real Jesus. Sadly, students are taught in the classroom that Christianity stands opposed to issues of justice and race and this stereotype is further perpetuated by the conflation of Christianity with partisan politics. If this is you, we invite you to join us on the journey of learning more about Jesus' heart for justice. In the Solidarity of the Kingdom,Robert Chao Romero
How can I get more info to be a part of CSC?
Contact Robert Chao Romero at:
Erica Romero:
Check out our Group Facebook: Christian Students of Conscience
What are some upcoming projects?
“Boxes of Love” Packing Party, Here’s Life Inner City, Lynwood, November 15
“Project Angel Tree” Distribution, Salvation Army, Compton, December 13-20
May 1st Immigrant March, Downtown Los Angeles
Urban Youth Worker’s Institute, Azusa Pacific University, May 14-16
Project Revolution, Summer Urban Justice Bootcamp, Los Angeles, July 2009
Resources (News, Media, MP3, Suggested Books, Facebook)
People and Organizations:
1. “Here’s Life Inner City,” Urban Ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ. Various cities throughout the U.S.
2. “Christian Community Development Association”
3. “International Justice Mission”:
5. Urban Youth Worker’s Institute:
Books and Videos
1. God’s Politics: Why the Right Gets it Wrong and the Left Doesn’t Get It; Jim Wallace
2. Beyond Charity: The Call to Christian Community Development; John Perkins
3. A Theology as Big as the City; Ray Bakke
4. Divided By Faith; United By Faith both by Michael Emerson and Christian Smith
5. Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger; Ronald J. Sider
6. Good News About Injustice; Gary Haugen
7. The Irresistible Revolution; Shane Claiborne
“Compassion by Command” by Here’s Life Inner City, C.C.C.
2. “Good News About Injustice: A Witness of Courage in a Hurting world”
“Healing America’s Wounds”, book and video, by John Dawson
“Another World Is Possible”, Vol. 2, “Poverty,” Shane Claiborne
New Song Los Angeles, Here’s Life Inner City, Neighborhood Outreach Council of Los Angeles, Destino, La Fe, Compton Salvation Army, Pico-Union Nehemiah House, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship at UCLA, Chinese for Christ, Xealot Mexico City
Meeting Times and Locations
J.A.C./C.S.C. Servant Leadership Training, October 2-December 4
Contact Robert and Erica for more information on the training and upcoming service projects.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
We have jumped so many hurdles to get to where we are. While many Producers can breath a sigh of relief on opening night, that's not the story here. We're not out of the woods yet. While many shows are selling out right and left, there are many shows that don't event have one ticket sold yet. I need you to show your commitment and buy a few tickets if you haven't already. This is the only way we are going to be able to expand into other markets in the weeks to come.
If you have already seen CALL+RESPONSE, I hope you want to let everybody in your city know about it. Check out the new city posters we have online:
If you were not able to catch the CALL+RESPONSE special on Dr. Phil today, it really is a must-see. Dr. Phil Clips on C+R
Freedom is up to you. Be The Response.
Justin Dillon
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Education, Social Injustice, and Human Trafficking
When reading through the 1000 pages of graduate school articles, I come across numerous historical accounts of social injustices in U.S. education. Over and over, I see people being marginalized, students given unequal opportunities, and the horrible accounts of perverse Protestantism that participated in some of these events. I am a Protestant, no, I am a follower of Jesus Christ. And he did not teach for capitalism to be on of the key interests in American politics. He did not teach that children who were less fortunate than their richer-across-town counterparts be expected to fail since they are "racially inferior". He did not teach that the poor, the fatherless, the orphaned be pushed aside since they were a nuisance to deal with. On the contrary, Jesus is the king of social justice. Did he not talk about issues of money and the dangers of loving it? Did he not tell us Christians to take care of children who have no fathers, the mothers who have no husbands? Did he not reach out to the prostitutes, the outcasts of society, the handicapped, etc?
Yes. The Jesus people see accounted through the figures in textbooks (and even in current events), is not representing the Jesus in the bible. My passion to see the oppressed free, the sex slave to know that they are worthy to be loved, to empower the next generation of children through education, to write and voice about issues that stimulate deeper thoughts of morality, are not my own. These are God's passions that are placed in me.
Digressing a bit...
The other night, I was praying and God spoke a certain calling on my life. It was very shocking since I never fully associated this calling to myself before. However, I felt the Holy Spirit move within me, and could not help but to be overwhelmed with excitement. Then the next several days, I'm meeting people who are interested in the same topic, and wants to 1. network with me 2. work together 3. learn about the subject. I see what God is doing, and it's so incredibly exciting. Living for Jesus is truly living.
Monday, September 29, 2008
God Movements
On Saturday, CSC met up for the first time. Professor Romero educated us newbies about social justice according to the Christian faith. For once, he spoke of how great heroes, such as MLK JR, or Ceaser Chavez, were men of intense faith. Sure they weren't perfect (neither were some of their followers), but the force driving these leaders to lead, and make a dent in society, came not from human strength, but from their relationship with God. It is noted in history that Ceasar Chavez went on a "hunger strike" but in actuality, he did a spiritual fast (like what people did in the bible) and it was only after that fast was there a great shift in the movement. If you read MLK's letters to fellow churches, you see how much he talks about Jesus, about God, and how all of this movement is derived from the Father's heart to see the oppressed free. But what is socially unjust (in my opinion) is the omitting of such details in academic programs. Only horrible unbiblical accounts of "Christendom" is told of, while these positive aspects of Christianity is left out. How's that for social justice? If we want to be objective, then let's put all the info and let the readers decide for themselves what is truth.
Yesterday, David brought his friend Daniel to church. Daniel is a new Christian, who was once a "Paul" like Jew, hating Christians intensely, and even writing for a Jewish newsletter. He abhorred what Christians were preaching, practicing, etc. God totally divinely appointed us three to meet. While eating at this Caribbean health place, he began to share about his current trials in life. It was amazing how similar our trials were. I shared my story with him, and he was greatly comforted (and so was I). The three of us ended up praying for each other in the parking lot before heading home.
And then, there's today. Some of my classmates and I went to go eat lunch. After praying for my food, I guess a classmate asked if I was super Christian or something, and I replied that I do have a relationship with Jesus. haha. It was really cool to hear their opinions about their distasteful experiences with Christianity and how we had a mature discourse on why we think this all happens and such. Ironically, we walked by some religious radical telling people that they were going to hell (signs, you know the whole deal). I just laughed and told my friends Christianity ain't like that, and I really don't know what to make of them. But glad that they were mature enough to understand and we walked off and went our separate ways.
Oh this is so interesting. Everyday it seems, there is another divine encounter with people, all hungry, or questioning, or just wanting real friendships.
God will you bring your love so evident in me, in Your power, cuz I can't do this on my own strength!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Times of Refreshing -- a glimpse.
Oh fasho.
Till next time.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
He puts a Newsong on my mouth!
I went to Newsong LA today. It was nice seeing familiar faces from Project Revolution. I can't wait until the next project revolution! Being homeless for a few days (part of PR) really puts into perspective what these people are going through. It challenged me to live frugally and trust that God will provide for all my material needs. For instance, I needed a shelf for my room (so cluttered, all them books). I was thinking of purchasing one, but a random girl by my apartment was having a yard sale. A white shelf (I needed white!) she sold to me for only $12.00! In addition, decorating my whole room only amounted to about $100.00. That includes, curtains, curtain rod, shelves, etc. Everything else, I found or got from someone. I love my room!
Today's sermon was truly orchestrated by the Holy Spirit. I am currently going through a difficult transition in my life (one of the most painful actually). Donna, the speaker, talked about Elijah in the book of 1 Kings. After dealing with all 850 prophets of Baal (Jezebal's god), he runs away and is miserable. Jezebel wants to kill Elijah, and even though Elijah saw the awesome power of God, he ran from her and told God how tired he was, even wanting to die! God then, prepared a cake and some water for him and said "Get up and eat." This really showed me how much God does care for my needs. Instead of looking at my painful circumstances, I really have to see all the blessings around me and thank Him for it. I have a wonderful roommate, living in west LA, nice room, great school, great program, so much opportunity to serve in the community...Seriously, thought patterns (especially negative) are so hard to break down sometimes. It's just like how Paul said "What I do not want to do, this I keep doing". But even more so, God showed me that was where I needed to practice "faith". For faith isn't faith unless it's hard to have it right?
There are numerous opportunities to get involved at Newsong LA. So far, Im really interested in writing for the communications department, doing audio tech, singing, shooting photography (dad gave me his old school 35mm SLR), and film. Interestingly, I am currently in the middle of doing a documentary about an important issue that needs to be more addressed in the church, and NS LA is doing a filming about trafficking and minors. My documentary is related to the topic in a sense, but I'll let ya'll know what it's about when it's finished. I shot some footage in Bangkok, and some here (of my friend Laurie Ishii, an ex-prostitute). I am very excited to start and finish this project (which will take me more than a year due to graduate school, and my lack of tech savvy). I'm also excited to start making music. I'm trying to buy a Macbook if anyone is selling them. I've already recorded a song with my friend Kilang back in Bangkok a few months ago, but it's a horrible rough cut. I'm so excited to start working on these projects. I just have to make sure to put God's priorities first!
This is Annie (From Nightlight) and Laurie Ishii ( a Nightlight Benefit a few nights ago.
Please keep me in prayer. I want to glorify God in my personal life, my social life, my education goals, and artistic ventures. For all is meaningless if it doesn't cause the receiver to feel loved or be convicted of God's love!
Now off to Scoops ice cream with Anna.
Till next time.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
I love LA!
I just arrived to promenade area! Boy am I far. Haha. I feel so alive being in LA. My teammates for the education program are wonderful. UCLA's teacher education program has a social justice agenda and it's really encouraging. Since I am called to teaching, I see a portion of what God is trying to do. While doing quiet time, God taught me about being faithful with all that He has entrusted me with. For instance, in the book of Daniel, the prophet Daniel administrated to the political needs of King Darius. Daniel was so effective in his performance that other officials out of jealously plotted to kill him. Thrown into a lion's den, Daniel was not eaten alive because the Lord protected him. Because of this, King Darius saw the special favor Daniel had on him, therefore made a decree that the god of Daniel shall be worshiped in the land. The way God works. Since I'll be working in a secular environment, there will be many challenges up ahead. Working in a public school can stifle my sole passion to make Jesus' name known; however God was teaching me through this quiet time that He is so much more powerful than my doubts. Oh how it always begins with a mustard seed of faith.
Living to see love acted out is so rewarding. God has been so good to me, for he disciplines those He loves. Pain is discipline, and lately I was having much of it! God was showing me how much I placed idols in my life, and through this painful experience, He will produce righteousness in me.
Meeting anna tonight for some LA fun again. Till next time, love you all!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Ten Days
Today I awoke to crying. These past few days have been tumultuous to say the least. Speaking to a friend yesterday, she told me to wait 10 days and I'll see times of refreshing come soon enough. Interestingly, I start school exactly 10 days from today. I don't know what to expect. So many changes will take place. I don't want to let go of my familiar surroundings even if it is choking me to death! I spent time talking to another good friend at the block yesternight until 4am. It's amazing how God reveals that His love is there, faithfully. Only God's love is ever so faithful and constant. Every time I invest too much in creation to fulfill my longing to be loved is when I come across disastrous moments.
You know when you sing songs at church about obedience. "Ill obey and serve you...I surrender all... Empty me". Well, never have I expected what the cost would be. When Jesus says lay down your life, He meant it. And again and again, I'm learning to adjust to changes, for He gives and takes away.
I never wanted to, in my fleshly desire, make ultimatums in various decisions. I knew it was the most loving thing, for God was directly me in such a way. The only sucky part is that all those who are affected by my decision don't understand that it stemmed from a deeper love. Perhaps I didn't communicate it properly. Regardless, what's done is done, and all I can do now is let go of the past, and embrace the new awakenings of tomorrow.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
But what about the fatherless and hungry?
Defend the poor and fatherless; Do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy; Free them from the hand of the wicked.
Every time I think about my own selfish trials, God seems to sober me up with a verse such as this one. I think about the children in third world nations who are suffering from sharp hunger pangs. I think about orphans whose parents have died or left them behind; or even worse, pushed them into a life of hell through prostitution or slavery. I think about those who are institutionalized in such a way, that the gospel message is almost impossible to penetrate through (almost, because God is always possible). It sobers me up... Wake up Bonnie, stop looking at your own life and get ready for battle (on knees, and on the field).
For we don't fight against flesh and blood but against the ruling authorities, principalities and dark spiritual agents of this world...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Those who have been given more, more will be expected of them.
Romans 8:5-8
While doing devotional today, God really spoke to me and the frailty of the human being. First, I was reminded through a prayer from Willo, that God expects more from me because I have been given much. I didn't really take that as seriously until today. God has given so much to me, various opportunities to bless others, and yet just like this verse says, "the mind of sinful man is death" I felt like I was dying because I dwelt too much on selfish thoughts for an extended period of time.
The outcome of those minds directed by the Holy Spirit is life and peace. When I go about my own way, what my flesh desires, I cannot please God, and inevitably, I bring all types of trouble on myself (hence, death). I've realized that the Holy Spirit is the guidance and I must take more time to communion. There are lives at stake, hungry people in the world, broken daughters and sons, and I have to keep accountable to checking myself and my temptation to be directed by my sinful nature, my flesh. I want life, I want peace, the Holy Spirit guides me on that path.
It's only about two weeks till school starts. I truly believe God's sovereignty put me on the UCLA campus for a specific reason. I still don't know what to expect. I felt so frustrated knowing that I would be fighting the bureaucracy of educational politics, and reluctantly accepted teaching as my present goal. But God wants me to teach for some reason, and all I can do is have faith to see what's in stored. I plan to have gatherings at my apartment for bible reading and prayer. If you are in the LA area and need a place just to read the word and pray (about an hour of reading, hour of praying), feel free to contact me.
Other than that,
As always, your prayers are felt and effective. Please continue to pray for strength. I want to be an instrument for global change, but it first has to begin with my own character issues. Pray that I will keep watching for the workings of God and follow his example. Thank you everyone!
Love you!
Solei Deo Gloria.
Truth Reveals Itself in the End
How fickle is the heart. Clearly, one who fears the Lord desires to keep attentive to the deceptions of the organ. The heart is most deceitful says the word. And feelings are the ghastly product. People will argue with me, and might say my criticisms are too harsh, but who can ever argue against truth? Time passes, people sin, their sins inadvertently hurt others, and it's a continuous horrid cycle. Unless.....
the heart is captivated by a higher force, a Being who knows the inner workings of man, only because he created him. And then... then will a man become humane.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
So today, I told God how angry I was. A part of me felt incredibly frightened, knowing that He could destroy me in an instant. However, I wanted to be honest, just like Job and David were. I guess this is where He is growing my patience and trust in Him. I appreciate quick guaranteed returns for obedience and honestly hate waiting for the next season in life. The Lord kept reminding me to "keep fighting the battle" because the joys and blessings will come sooner than I think. I don't know what to make of this, but... to wait?
It's coming soon.
Take out all the thorns in my feet and in my heart
Restore me to the purest state
so I can see you clearly again.
Keep me in prayer. Please.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
A Life not Wasted
But now that I am not presently in a church, per se (since I will be relocating to Newsong LA) I have no drive to use all these possessions or tools that lay in front of me. I'm not sure if this is good or bad. But everything seems so meaningless and selfish if material possessions aren't used for cause of building people. Is this a bit extreme? It almost seems as if I have no personality because of it. I once desired to be someone of great status in society, namely, in the area of the arts (fashion / graphic design). But once again, I am called to teach and had to struggle with God for I am to choose such an unglamorous profession. I see others around me enjoying their artistic expressions and cannot help but to be a little envious. It reminds me of Job's story. "I obeyed you Lord" is what is in my heart...but He took away various artistic pleasures that was bound to shackle me down (If not, I know I would have become someone horrible, trust me on this). I know I am to be a teacher. I've known it since 8 years ago after accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior and then asking Him what I should do with my few years on earth.
Perhaps this is where God is teaching me to let go of the world and its pleasures. To Love Him and to Love others? My life has been extremely difficult as of recent. I had to learn to "shift" and quickly adapt to different cultures, and situations (Bangkok, OC, Inner city LA, homeless people, rich people, hip hop heads, green-vegan-rollerdisco kids, Partying community, Praying/Healing ministries, Scenesters, My corrupted 6th grade students, goodie goodie kids, artsy people, Korean American Christians, Korean Korean Christians, non-Korean Pentecostals, Conservatives, Lawyers, Lawyers with depression, Professors, etc.)It had been crazy. But I recall the Apostle Paul telling us Christians to "be like the greek or jew to win them for Christ." And Jesus telling us to "be in the world but not a part of the world;" I think I took these truths quite seriously. But, it worked for building relationships and showing Jesus!
I guess I felt pretty frustrated at watching others and their accomplishments (in terms of art) while I felt confused at my own inability to enjoy my own art. But after writing all this down, I guess the greater good outweighs one selfish person's whining.
Please keep me in prayer. I want to be closer to the source of Love.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
TransCulturalism and Times of Refreshing
-Romans 12:2
When I ask people "What do you think you're supposed to be doing in your life?"
I receive various answers. One of these, is the common, "I don't know." I've come to realize that at this point in my life, I'm a bit confused as well. All I know is that God spoke to me today: "Bonnie, times of refreshment will come, you're are in the battlefield right now, so fight. Abide in my love. Your faith will heal you." It was very interesting. Never in my life have I questioned my walk with God so fiercely. I'm showing signs of spiritual bipolarity; one moment I'm walking the narrow path guiding others to His word, the other in self-preserving, victimizing pity, all with crying, anger and bitterness. It is indeed a battlefield with some losses and some wins.
Before I gave my love to another, I loved God with a pure love. I was reminded today of the parable in the bible of the seed that fell among the thorns. Jesus spoke of this seed that eventually was "choked up" by the "riches and pleasures" of the world, and eventually did not "produce fruit." I didn't know I was capable of being so distracted. While these personal character issues were being exposed, God was simultatneously working to introduce me to world of Jesus and works. At one point I felt the social justice liberals were too bent on humanistic efforts (which some indeed are), and not on the gospel message. For what good is it to help people physically when they are not fed the bread of life or given the living water?
However, at this discomforting theological crux where evangelicals meet social liberals, I realized it wasn't about theology anymore, but of myself. Why was I so uncomfortable to pick up the cross in areas where I was comfortable in? This past year, I believe I had grown much in areas of my character I never knew needed some weeding. For instance, God reminded me that the money that I am earning is all His. He showed me how to have compassion for the poor, the oppressed. He gave me a glimspe of what it meant to live incarnationally among the lost as I participated in Project Revolution. He showed me how to not be of the world, but to relate to them in order to show Jesus. "Be like the Jew or the Greek in order to win them for Christ." I knew this truth, and had practiced it several times (with seeing the fruit of success). But God took me to another level. Be like the low income culturally different daughter struggling with paying for college and dealing with family issues. Pray for her, encourage her. Be like the passion infused preacher man who needs friends. Pray for him, share how his teaching inspires. Be like the little foreigner child who cannot speak English, who knows love through performance. Share your hugs with him, pray for him.
To love them is not to be them. It's about sensitivity. I am not to conformed to this world, but by the renewing of the mind know what God is doing. How do I renew the mind? By spending time with Him (word, prayer, music, arts, journaling, etc.) I guess that's when I can be strong and understand how to be effectively culturally sensitive, shifting to different styles and cultures. This shifting has been tiresome at times. Although, I cannot bear to be who I once was. Therefore, I guess all this battling presently will show itself in the end as well. I just hope that time of refreshment is soon; It's been very tough.
Please pray for me.
God loves you and me
more than we will ever know.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Quiet Time for June 16th
The Lord sends Elijah to inform Ahaziah that he will die.
Ahab and Jezebel have become famous for their irreverence and disregard for the Law of the Lord. Yet Ahaziah, the son of Ahab, goes beyond them in his blatant disregard for the Lord. After an accident, he inquires of Baal-Zebub, the pagan god of Ekron, whether or not he will recover. Elijah informs the messengers that Ahaziah will die. No longer afraid, Elijah has been strengthened from his previous failure. We must always look at failure as an opportunity to grow.
God often uses our hard times to refine us into the people He wants us to be. Give Him your praise for His care:
You have dealt well with Your servant,
O Lord, according to Your word.
Teach me good judgment and knowledge,
For I believe Your commandments.
Before I was afflicted I went astray,
But now I keep Your word.
You are good, and do good;
Teach me Your statutes (Psalm 119:65-68).
Pause for personal praise and thanksgiving.
Pray this confession to the Lord as you seek to keep your life free from sin:
Remember, O Lord, Your tender mercies and Your lovingkindnesses,
For they are from of old.
Do not remember the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions;
According to Your mercy remember me,
For Your goodness' sake, O Lord (Psalm 25:6-7).
Confess any sins that the Holy Spirit brings to your mind.
Now pray this affirmation to the Lord:
This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief (1 Timothy 1:15).
As you make your requests known to the Lord, include:
-- Greater trust in God's leading in your life
-- The ministry of your local church
-- Whatever else is on your heart
Finally, offer this closing prayer to the Lord:
I am persuaded that neither death nor life,
nor angels nor principalities nor powers,
nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth,
nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us
from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:38-39).
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
If each of us were to look back at our lives, we could probably select a few experiences that were life changing. These experiences changed the way we think, the way we view the world and God and even drastically change our future life decisions. I will have a chance to experience one of these moments this summer. On June 30, I will join 50 other revolutionaries-at-heart in a week-long urban justice project that will show us what it means to love people sacrificially. I truly believe this will be a life-changing experience. Although many others will choose to spend their summer at the beach, playing video games, or waking up at noon, I consider it a privilege to invest this week in learning new ways to serve and love the poor in the name of Jesus.
Last year, 20 of us took part in Project Revolution and we lived together in community at the Salvation Army Compton. By day, we served in a variety of urban ministries and by night, we had speakers train us on topics of race, poverty, and justice from a biblical perspective. On the 4th of July, we took part in an unforgettable “Freedom Ride” to important historic sites of racial, social, and political struggle in Los Angeles. We also caught a glimpse of what it’s like to be homeless in L.A. This year, 50 of us will spend a similar week serving at a number of faith/community-based organizations that faithfully serve those in need as Christ did. Each day will be another opportunity to learn about God and myself as we work with youth, assist in construction, minister to prostitutes, aid the undocumented, and help the homeless.
I am writing to ask you to consider supporting my team. We are in the process of raising $10,000 to cover the cost of food, lodging, transportation, and ministry materials for our team. My personal goal is to raise $337, so any amount that you could contribute would be of great help. If you are able to support us at this time, please make the check out to Newsong Church and mail it back in the envelope provided.
If you cannot afford to financially support our work at this time, I would ask that you commit to pray for our team. This will be an experience where I am pushed outside of my comfort zone and I’ll need to depend on Christ, so your support through prayer would be very much appreciated.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
A conversation with a Pure soul
wut we need to do we know
but its hard to do
Sent at 4:53 PM on Wednesday
me: yea i know kev
im right there
i know im not supposed to be dating right now
but it's really hard
i even cried today!
bc it's so painful
krnaznboi: oh dang
ill pray for you more
me: thanks kevin
it's really hard for me right now
Sent at 4:57 PM on Wednesday
krnaznboi: gotatdo work
ill pray
just dont worry
ok bye
Sent at 5:04 PM on Wednesday
krnaznboi is offline.
I tutored Kevin for about a year. He is 15 and has such a pure heart.
The prayers of children are so powerful, for heaven is full of them.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
much more than I do
I want to praise you Lord,
much more than I do
Learn to seek your face
and in the knowledge of your grace,
I want to praise
Birds in the sky
sing their songs to you
Trees in the field
lift their arms to you
I want to sing
I want to lift
my arms to
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Korea and prayer
It's interesting how I pray the way I do. Being here, sometimes I feel so awkward when it's calm. It's a difference of style, and upbringing in the church. Personally, I love it when people pray like crazy people... that passion is so... encouraging...
Many Korean grandmothers, older folks have a reason when they scream "jooyuh" (savior) and cry during prayer. When you're broken enough.. there is no need for proper decorum. After all, there were many in the bible that wailed for repentance, for justice, for help, etc.
Here is the video:
Note: many people who do not understand the prophetic, never been exposed to it, or seen bad misuse of it, will be turned off by the content of her site. Therefore, I suggest you keep to the video.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Walking into the strip bar... seeing the show, where two girls started taking off their clothes.. then crawling around like animals. The men's eyes glazed with numbness... Usually, when going into the bars, my heart was somewhat apathetic, at numerous times. It didn't hit me, because I've seen sex being glamorized, so what's another sex show right, we see enough in movies?
Well.. for some reason, tonight I started crying. I wasn't a whaling buffoon, but just silent tears of heartache exposed a deeper part of me. A friend comforted me and said not to let the challenges get to me. But it wasn't because I felt an empty sorrow for the girls. It was because I knew what they were feeling. I knew how it feels to be exposed and feel cheap of a person, a commodity. I knew what they were feeling.. and yet they had to keep going... but I had the freedom to walk out of the bar. And I did.
I don't think I can ever look at sex the same way that I did before. Growing up, being exposed to so much, (even in my English literature courses, there were tons of sexual jokes/stories/etc.) sex meant power. Seduction was control. It was wrong, immoral, but hey, that was the part of the world that didn't get compassion from me.
But tonight was the breaking point, and now I understand why God brought me here.
God you are the Healer.
Solei Deo Gloria.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
North Korea
I sit here in NL's office, watching this trailer for a new movie coming out...
and tears rolling down my cheek.
It's so unjust.
I want to go in there one day.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Myanmar and the death continues...
Im waiting on the Lord to see if He wants me in Myanmar anytime soon. I asked the Lord yesternight "If you want me to go there, I will." And today, I get a message from a friend back home, that my other church, Grace is getting ready to send a team out here soon. I might convene with them after my visa is up in Thailand. Is he giving me confirmation? Well, it's one so far..
But please pray for me. I need to know if this is God's will.
Here is an article, please read...
Bloggers describe 'sad moment' for Myanmar
By Jim KavanaghCNN
(CNN) -- Eyewitness reports on the devastation and suffering left in the wake of Tropical Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar trickled out Wednesday by way of Web sites and blogs.
Power lines are down in Yangon after the cyclone struck Myanmar in a photo from iReport contributor Erik Hetrick.
"This is indeed a very sad moment for all Myanmar people," blogger Myat Thura wrote from neighboring Thailand.
More than 22,000 people have died, according to estimates from Myanmar's state-run media. Another 40,000 are believed to be missing, according to the estimates, and 1 million have been left homeless since the storm hit last weekend in Myanmar, formerly known as Burma.
"They are my people and it hurts me so much. Why our Burmese people have to suffer such kind of hardship? Why us?" Myat Thura wrote.
Another blogger, who calls herself May Burma, blamed the storm's devastation on corruption and dissipation in Myanmar society.
"Burmese used to say that our country never had natural disaster since we have our religion, culture and so many arhats [spiritual practitioners], pure monks and sayadaws [senior monks]. This is not the case anymore lately," she wrote.
A blogger called Rule of Lords claimed to translate reports from Thai television station Yoma 3 into English. Watch a firsthand report from a devastated village »
According to Rule of Lords, the station quoted eyewitnesses who said refugees were pouring into Laputta, even though the storm flattened the city of 50,000.
"There was water, rain and wind," an eyewitness told Yoma 3, Rule of Lords related. "The shore road was submerged and on the high ground the water was at knee level. The whole town was under water. There were heavy waves all over, and water snakes. Some died from the snakes.
Don't Miss
- International aid deliveries begin
- Death, destruction in southern Myanmar
- Special report: Crisis in Myanmar
- Are you there? Send your photos, videos
Impact Your World
"There has been no help. No one has anywhere to stay. No work, there's nothing. We're just sticking together at the monastery," the witness told the station, according to Rule of Lords. Watch video of a baby being carried through the storm
The Irrawaddy, an opposition news Web site, quoted a doctor who said Buddhist monks were helping victims as much as they could.
"Monks and young people in each town collected money and rice after the storm, and they cooked rice soup for the survivors," the physician said, Irrawaddy reported.
In one monastery in the township of Bogalay, about 600 people waited for aid, said CNN correspondent Dan Rivers, who is in the devastated region. The monks there said they had enough food for two days and no prospects of getting more.
Meanwhile, Myanmar military authorities were attempting to prevent the monks from getting involved in relief efforts, Irrawaddy said. Learn more about Myanmar »
"Burmese military officials ordered monks not to use monasteries as safe houses for survivors and, according to journalists in Rangoon, the Ministry of Information ordered news agencies not to publish photographs of Buddhist monks aiding survivors, working in the streets or rebuilding homes," the Web site alleged.
Rangoon is the former name of Yangon, Myanmar's largest city and its economic center.
"The newspapers said the ruling generals and troops encouraged and aided survivors," a dentist told Irrawaddy on Wednesday. "But this has quickly become a standing joke among people in Rangoon. We now say soldiers can only be seen in newspapers -- nowhere else.
Myanmar sites
"My house was destroyed," he added. "But I don't see any officials coming to visit me."
A news program on state television showed video of soldiers in helicopters delivering bags of rice and containers of water to people, but it was unclear where in Myanmar the footage was shot, CNN's Rivers reported. Map »
In the southern delta region, the soldiers who were seen were clearing downed trees, not delivering aid, Rivers said.
The Irrawaddy site alleged local officials in Yangon were charging storm victims for tin-roofing material. It said officials' relatives were buying up the material and reselling it at a 600 percent markup.
"Toilets are overflowing," Laputta resident Aye Kyu said, according to Irrawaddy. "If aid does not arrive soon, people will starve to death. I beg both the government and international agencies to get emergency aid to Laputta as soon as possible."
A blogger named Jotman noted the storm devastated Myanmar's main rice-growing region.
"This disaster could not have come at a worse time for Burma and the world; the effects of Cyclone Nargis may be felt far beyond the shores of Burma," Jotman wrote. "Because if the Burmese people are to be fed, the food may have to come from somewhere else.
"It is conceivable that the cyclone will drive up rice and food prices worldwide, and exacerbate global shortages."
CNN's Dan Rivers contributed to this report.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Missionary's calling not all 'peaches and cream'
On this day in 1972 Tim Peters walked out of a university tutorial on Shakespeare and made a decision that changed his life.
To the confusion of his professor who thought the tutorial went well, he never went back to study at Michigan State University. But he wasn't an ordinary dropout - it was a "profound religious experience" that led him to dedicate his life to missionary work.
That calling brought him to Seoul where he is now the coordinator of an underground railroad that helps North Korean refugees escape. In China, the refugees live in constant fear of being repatriated to North Korea where they face internment in prison camps or even execution for trying to escape. A "strike hard campaign" by the Chinese authorities means that Peters' work has become more difficult, and those helping North Koreans risk being thrown into Chinese jails.
"Never underestimate the power of prayer," he told The Korea Herald.
And in the South, there are those that are hostile to his work, "I don't want to dwell on that," he said, explaining that if you are prominent and take a stand on a sensitive issue "you've got to expect it's not going to be peaches and cream."
For years as an underground activist he was a voice in the wilderness, but now people are taking notice. Last week Time magazine dubbed him a "Seoul Saver" and splashed his image across the cover of its Asia edition.
"I guess the days of me being underground are long gone," he joked. "It's out there, you can't put the worms back in the can!"
Like his apartment, he explained, he was half underground anyway, "But this takes visibility to a whole new level," Peters said.
While that exposure means that he has to be more careful in choosing his trips to China, he is glad that the plight of North Koreans is being "put on the radar."
Now his days are taken up giving interviews, writing speeches and raising the profile of his work. He describes himself as a "facilitator, an appropriator of funds." During the interview with The Korea Herald, he spoke of a successful rescue that happened the day before. For that individual North Korean to be "delivered" to a safe haven, he didn't need to be there in the "battlefield" himself. Instead, he coordinated the effort through his Asian partners.
Peters founded Helping Hands Korea in 1996 on his third stint in Korea. At that time there was a famine in the North and he realized that his mission was to help "North Koreans in crisis."
Now that his organization is gaining recognition, he says the credit should go to his wife. He describes her as "unique person" for being able to put up with the challenges of being a missionary's wife. "My wife is a saint," he said. During their marriage, he estimates that they have had to move house 50 times. During other periods, they had to do visa runs every 90 days with all five children in tow.
"She could have so easily given up on me in the last 30 years," he said, adding that she has sacrificed and endured so much. He said that she always had a deep respect for his calling and probably bit her lip every time she doubted what they were doing.
He first arrived in Korea in 1973, a year after first making the life-changing decision to be a missionary. During the Chun Doo-hwan administration he was thrown out of the country for distributing leaflets that were critical of the government's stance on human rights.
Today, he faces a battle in getting the spotlight on the issue of North Korean human rights. When asked if there are people who are out to discredit him or even threaten his life, he gave an answer related to his calling, how he wants his work to glorify God and his critics will be proven wrong with the evidence.
"But I do lock the door at night." And he keeps his back to the wall in restaurants so he can "watch the door" and doesn't stand close to the edge of the platform in subway stations. Asked if he thinks there are North Korean agents watching him or if someone would want to push him over the edge of the platform, he said "it's in the realms of possibility."
He assumes his phone is tapped and the organization takes basic security precautions such as operating in a cell structure so that he doesn't know all of the people involved.
"You have to be aware as you can. And pray," he said.
Korean sex slaves take refuge in U.S.
Group first to be granted status since 2004 law relaxed conditions
[May 6, 2006]
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Six refugees from North Korea, including four women who say they were victims of sexual slavery or forced marriages, have fled to the United States, a senator said Saturday.
The group is the first from North Korea to be given official refugee status since passage of a 2004 law that makes it easier for North Koreans to apply for such status.
Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kansas, said the six refugees arrived at an undisclosed U.S. location Friday night from a Southeast Asian nation. He would not identify from which nation they came because of worries about security for their families and to avoid diplomatic complications with the country that sent them.
"This is a great act of compassion by the United States and the other countries involved," said Brownback, a co-sponsor of the law. He said that the refugees' arrival in the United States showed "the act is working" by making the refugees' human rights a part of U.S. policy toward the North.
The issue of North Korean human rights has gained attention in Washington as international diplomatic efforts to curb North Korea's self-announced nuclear weapons production program have stalled.
President Bush, in his 2002 State of the Union address, branded North Korea one of the three members of the "axis of evil," along with Iran and Iraq.
In 2004, Congress passed the North Korean Human Rights Act, part of which specified that the State Department would make it easier for North Koreans to try for refugee status in the United States.
Tens of thousands of North Koreans are believed to have fled across their border into China.
The U.S. special envoy on North Korean human rights, Jay Lefkowitz, told a congressional hearing last week: "We need to do more -- and we can and will do more -- for the North Korean refugees."
"We will press to make it clear to our friends and allies in the region that we are prepared to accept North Korean refugees for resettlement here," Lefkowitz said.
Bush appointed Lefkowitz last year, tasking him with raising the human rights issue and providing help for refugees fleeing the North.
North Korea long has been accused of torture, public executions and other atrocities against its people. Between 150,000 and 200,000 people are believed to be held in prison camps for political reasons, the State Department said in a report last year.
Human rights activists have said that U.S. Embassy workers in Asian countries have refused to help North Korean refugees.
Last year, Timothy Peters, founder of Helping Hands Korea, told lawmakers at a hearing that U.S. Embassy officials in Beijing rebuffed him when he tried to arrange help for a 17-year-old North Korean refugee.
"I thought to myself, 'Is this the State Department's implementation of the North Korean Human Rights Act?"' he said.
Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
(someday i want to go into North Korea) If God wills it.