Monday, September 29, 2008

God Movements

God is really amazing.

On Saturday, CSC met up for the first time. Professor Romero educated us newbies about social justice according to the Christian faith. For once, he spoke of how great heroes, such as MLK JR, or Ceaser Chavez, were men of intense faith. Sure they weren't perfect (neither were some of their followers), but the force driving these leaders to lead, and make a dent in society, came not from human strength, but from their relationship with God. It is noted in history that Ceasar Chavez went on a "hunger strike" but in actuality, he did a spiritual fast (like what people did in the bible) and it was only after that fast was there a great shift in the movement. If you read MLK's letters to fellow churches, you see how much he talks about Jesus, about God, and how all of this movement is derived from the Father's heart to see the oppressed free. But what is socially unjust (in my opinion) is the omitting of such details in academic programs. Only horrible unbiblical accounts of "Christendom" is told of, while these positive aspects of Christianity is left out. How's that for social justice? If we want to be objective, then let's put all the info and let the readers decide for themselves what is truth.

Yesterday, David brought his friend Daniel to church. Daniel is a new Christian, who was once a "Paul" like Jew, hating Christians intensely, and even writing for a Jewish newsletter. He abhorred what Christians were preaching, practicing, etc. God totally divinely appointed us three to meet. While eating at this Caribbean health place, he began to share about his current trials in life. It was amazing how similar our trials were. I shared my story with him, and he was greatly comforted (and so was I). The three of us ended up praying for each other in the parking lot before heading home.

And then, there's today. Some of my classmates and I went to go eat lunch. After praying for my food, I guess a classmate asked if I was super Christian or something, and I replied that I do have a relationship with Jesus. haha. It was really cool to hear their opinions about their distasteful experiences with Christianity and how we had a mature discourse on why we think this all happens and such. Ironically, we walked by some religious radical telling people that they were going to hell (signs, you know the whole deal). I just laughed and told my friends Christianity ain't like that, and I really don't know what to make of them. But glad that they were mature enough to understand and we walked off and went our separate ways.

Oh this is so interesting. Everyday it seems, there is another divine encounter with people, all hungry, or questioning, or just wanting real friendships.

God will you bring your love so evident in me, in Your power, cuz I can't do this on my own strength!


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Times of Refreshing -- a glimpse.

For the past few days, Willma and I have been doing the bible reading (one hour) consistently, and how it is revolutionizing my growth! Anna came down a few times to read with us. Today, Danny Rha joined us in my room. We had an awesome time of prayer! God really spoke to us about UCLA, and about our individual lives. Oh I am so so so so so excited for what is up ahead. I love my classmates. I love them! They are so wonderful. I love the program. It is hardcore social justice focused. I am going to start getting trained by Tatiana from Newsong LA; she wants me to have leadership training for JAC / CSC of Newsong LA church and UCLA. Oh I am so excited. In addition, Willma is having his family group on campus on Tuesday nights. There is so much going on, and I am just so thankful for so many people who have been praying for me and constantly challenging / encouraging. Even yesterday, Yen Ling, my roommate told me that God wants her to do devotionals with me in the mornings. I was so blessed to hear that, for I struggle with the most mind battles in the mornings! So, this upcoming is going to be a hardcore intensive year of growth in God's movements in all areas of my life. Yayayayayyyy!There is so much a person can focus on in this life, but when you come to a point of focusing on His purposes, something insides you lives... for when we die for Him, that's when we truly live.

Oh fasho.

Till next time.


Sunday, September 21, 2008

He puts a Newsong on my mouth!

He puts a Newsong on my mouth!
I went to Newsong LA today. It was nice seeing familiar faces from Project Revolution. I can't wait until the next project revolution! Being homeless for a few days (part of PR) really puts into perspective what these people are going through. It challenged me to live frugally and trust that God will provide for all my material needs. For instance, I needed a shelf for my room (so cluttered, all them books). I was thinking of purchasing one, but a random girl by my apartment was having a yard sale. A white shelf (I needed white!) she sold to me for only $12.00! In addition, decorating my whole room only amounted to about $100.00. That includes, curtains, curtain rod, shelves, etc. Everything else, I found or got from someone. I love my room!

Today's sermon was truly orchestrated by the Holy Spirit. I am currently going through a difficult transition in my life (one of the most painful actually). Donna, the speaker, talked about Elijah in the book of 1 Kings. After dealing with all 850 prophets of Baal (Jezebal's god), he runs away and is miserable. Jezebel wants to kill Elijah, and even though Elijah saw the awesome power of God, he ran from her and told God how tired he was, even wanting to die! God then, prepared a cake and some water for him and said "Get up and eat." This really showed me how much God does care for my needs. Instead of looking at my painful circumstances, I really have to see all the blessings around me and thank Him for it. I have a wonderful roommate, living in west LA, nice room, great school, great program, so much opportunity to serve in the community...Seriously, thought patterns (especially negative) are so hard to break down sometimes. It's just like how Paul said "What I do not want to do, this I keep doing". But even more so, God showed me that was where I needed to practice "faith". For faith isn't faith unless it's hard to have it right?

There are numerous opportunities to get involved at Newsong LA. So far, Im really interested in writing for the communications department, doing audio tech, singing, shooting photography (dad gave me his old school 35mm SLR), and film. Interestingly, I am currently in the middle of doing a documentary about an important issue that needs to be more addressed in the church, and NS LA is doing a filming about trafficking and minors. My documentary is related to the topic in a sense, but I'll let ya'll know what it's about when it's finished. I shot some footage in Bangkok, and some here (of my friend Laurie Ishii, an ex-prostitute). I am very excited to start and finish this project (which will take me more than a year due to graduate school, and my lack of tech savvy). I'm also excited to start making music. I'm trying to buy a Macbook if anyone is selling them. I've already recorded a song with my friend Kilang back in Bangkok a few months ago, but it's a horrible rough cut. I'm so excited to start working on these projects. I just have to make sure to put God's priorities first!

This is Annie (From Nightlight) and Laurie Ishii ( a Nightlight Benefit a few nights ago.

Please keep me in prayer. I want to glorify God in my personal life, my social life, my education goals, and artistic ventures. For all is meaningless if it doesn't cause the receiver to feel loved or be convicted of God's love!

Now off to Scoops ice cream with Anna.
Till next time.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

I love LA!

I'm sitting here on the 8 line big blue bus. I missed me stop on Barrington ave it seems. The diversity of people is a treat to the eyes.

I just arrived to promenade area! Boy am I far. Haha. I feel so alive being in LA. My teammates for the education program are wonderful. UCLA's teacher education program has a social justice agenda and it's really encouraging. Since I am called to teaching, I see a portion of what God is trying to do. While doing quiet time, God taught me about being faithful with all that He has entrusted me with. For instance, in the book of Daniel, the prophet Daniel administrated to the political needs of King Darius. Daniel was so effective in his performance that other officials out of jealously plotted to kill him. Thrown into a lion's den, Daniel was not eaten alive because the Lord protected him. Because of this, King Darius saw the special favor Daniel had on him, therefore made a decree that the god of Daniel shall be worshiped in the land. The way God works. Since I'll be working in a secular environment, there will be many challenges up ahead. Working in a public school can stifle my sole passion to make Jesus' name known; however God was teaching me through this quiet time that He is so much more powerful than my doubts. Oh how it always begins with a mustard seed of faith.

Living to see love acted out is so rewarding. God has been so good to me, for he disciplines those He loves. Pain is discipline, and lately I was having much of it! God was showing me how much I placed idols in my life, and through this painful experience, He will produce righteousness in me.

Meeting anna tonight for some LA fun again. Till next time, love you all!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Ten Days

"Although the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your teachers will be hidden no more; with your own eyes you will see them. Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." ~ Isaiah 30:20-21, NIV

Today I awoke to crying. These past few days have been tumultuous to say the least. Speaking to a friend yesterday, she told me to wait 10 days and I'll see times of refreshing come soon enough. Interestingly, I start school exactly 10 days from today. I don't know what to expect. So many changes will take place. I don't want to let go of my familiar surroundings even if it is choking me to death! I spent time talking to another good friend at the block yesternight until 4am. It's amazing how God reveals that His love is there, faithfully. Only God's love is ever so faithful and constant. Every time I invest too much in creation to fulfill my longing to be loved is when I come across disastrous moments.

You know when you sing songs at church about obedience. "Ill obey and serve you...I surrender all... Empty me". Well, never have I expected what the cost would be. When Jesus says lay down your life, He meant it. And again and again, I'm learning to adjust to changes, for He gives and takes away.

I never wanted to, in my fleshly desire, make ultimatums in various decisions. I knew it was the most loving thing, for God was directly me in such a way. The only sucky part is that all those who are affected by my decision don't understand that it stemmed from a deeper love. Perhaps I didn't communicate it properly. Regardless, what's done is done, and all I can do now is let go of the past, and embrace the new awakenings of tomorrow.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

But what about the fatherless and hungry?

Psalm 82:3-4
Defend the poor and fatherless; Do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy; Free them from the hand of the wicked.

Every time I think about my own selfish trials, God seems to sober me up with a verse such as this one. I think about the children in third world nations who are suffering from sharp hunger pangs. I think about orphans whose parents have died or left them behind; or even worse, pushed them into a life of hell through prostitution or slavery. I think about those who are institutionalized in such a way, that the gospel message is almost impossible to penetrate through (almost, because God is always possible). It sobers me up... Wake up Bonnie, stop looking at your own life and get ready for battle (on knees, and on the field).

For we don't fight against flesh and blood but against the ruling authorities, principalities and dark spiritual agents of this world...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Those who have been given more, more will be expected of them.

"Those who live accordingly to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so. Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God."

Romans 8:5-8

While doing devotional today, God really spoke to me and the frailty of the human being. First, I was reminded through a prayer from Willo, that God expects more from me because I have been given much. I didn't really take that as seriously until today. God has given so much to me, various opportunities to bless others, and yet just like this verse says, "the mind of sinful man is death" I felt like I was dying because I dwelt too much on selfish thoughts for an extended period of time.

The outcome of those minds directed by the Holy Spirit is life and peace. When I go about my own way, what my flesh desires, I cannot please God, and inevitably, I bring all types of trouble on myself (hence, death). I've realized that the Holy Spirit is the guidance and I must take more time to communion. There are lives at stake, hungry people in the world, broken daughters and sons, and I have to keep accountable to checking myself and my temptation to be directed by my sinful nature, my flesh. I want life, I want peace, the Holy Spirit guides me on that path.

It's only about two weeks till school starts. I truly believe God's sovereignty put me on the UCLA campus for a specific reason. I still don't know what to expect. I felt so frustrated knowing that I would be fighting the bureaucracy of educational politics, and reluctantly accepted teaching as my present goal. But God wants me to teach for some reason, and all I can do is have faith to see what's in stored. I plan to have gatherings at my apartment for bible reading and prayer. If you are in the LA area and need a place just to read the word and pray (about an hour of reading, hour of praying), feel free to contact me.

Other than that,
As always, your prayers are felt and effective. Please continue to pray for strength. I want to be an instrument for global change, but it first has to begin with my own character issues. Pray that I will keep watching for the workings of God and follow his example. Thank you everyone!

Love you!
Solei Deo Gloria.

Truth Reveals Itself in the End

A rude awakening it was. After considerable attempts to prove oneself right, only truth will reveal itself in the end. And, of course, I was dead on. Some part of me tried to hinge onto any opportunity that was to insure a positive response in the future, yet today marked the day where I let the doors fall and leave it be. It remains heavy, an eyesore to most, but that is the current condition of emotion. It will find itself again on a different, more suitable frame.

How fickle is the heart. Clearly, one who fears the Lord desires to keep attentive to the deceptions of the organ. The heart is most deceitful says the word. And feelings are the ghastly product. People will argue with me, and might say my criticisms are too harsh, but who can ever argue against truth? Time passes, people sin, their sins inadvertently hurt others, and it's a continuous horrid cycle. Unless.....

the heart is captivated by a higher force, a Being who knows the inner workings of man, only because he created him. And then... then will a man become humane.